Geographic Information Systems
Explore your future with GIS at Cayuga Community College. This is a new way for exploring our world with technology that was not available to our predecessors!

Professor of GIS
Cayuga Community College
197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13210
Live: (315) 294-8610
Fax: (315) 255-2117
Office: M274 Main Building
Ph.D. Forest Resources Management (1995)
State University of New York (SUNY-ESF)
College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Syracuse, New York 13210
M.S. Forest Resources Management (1992)
State University of New York (SUNY-ESF)
B.S. Forestry (1984)
Institute of Forestry
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
GIS 101: Foundations of GIS (for non GIS major)
GIS 111: Introduction to GIS
GIS 205: Introduction to Vector GIS
GIS 121: Remote Sensing and Aerial Photogrammetry
GIS 122: Spatial Modeling with Raster GIS
GIS 220: Advanced GIS
GIS 222: GIS Programming