Academic Credit by Evaluation of Certificates, Military and Workforce Development Trainings and Credentials, Challenge Exams, and Published Exams
Cayuga Community College (Cayuga) recognizes and encourages Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) as a valid way for students to document college-level learning outside traditional college coursework. CPL recognizes non-credit training and knowledge acquisition; it increases access to and success in higher education by decreasing time to degree completion that may result in cost savings for the student. Cayuga has established policies and procedures that enable students to earn academic credit toward associate degree completion through CPL. Each CPL method by which Cayuga accepts credits has an individual, detailed policy. Some degree programs may have more stringent requirements and students should consult with the CPL coordinator or designee prior to pursuing a CPL method for acquiring credit.
The standards for CPL transfer credits are listed below:
- Credit will only be granted for courses meeting current degree requirements for the program in which the student is matriculating. A student may, however, request a "what-if analysis" to determine what effect changing their degree/major would have on total credits accepted. Depending on the degree program, CPL may or may not apply regardless of successful completion of the CPL process.
- The number of CPL credits awarded is based on the transfer policy stated in the Cayuga College catalog.
- There may be fees associated with the CPL process. CPL fees are available in the College catalog and the College’s tuition and fee schedule.
- CPL will be clearly noted on student transcripts as transfer credit.
- SUNY institutions may not reject transfer credits solely based on the fact that credits were obtained through CPL. However, there may be limitations, and students are advised to check with the transferring institution before proceeding. It is the responsibility of the student to discuss transfer potential with their intended transfer institution.
Types of CPL allowed:
A. Credit by Evaluation of Credential Review:
Cayuga defines Credit by Evaluation of Credential Review as college credit earned through documentation of college-level learning gained through employment or extensive experience in a specific field. The student must demonstrate knowledge or show evidence of satisfactory participation in and completion of workplace job-training and/or military programs, licenses and/or certifications that match the depth and rigor of student learning outcomes of academic courses offered at Cayuga.
- Accepted credentials must be current and issued by a recognized organization.
- Third-party reviews by the American Council on Education (ACE) and the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) are accepted. Student veterans and active-duty military may earn academic credit from military training documented in American Army Registry Transcripts (AARTS) and Joint Military Transcripts, from the Community College of the Air Force, and the Coast Guard Institute, or a DD-214 form.
- The College reserves the right to disallow credit by credential review in any program where to accept such credit may not be in the best interest of the student’s ability to complete a specific degree due to the sequential nature of the specific course material embedded in these programs.
Check the college website to see if your credential is currently accepted.
- For currently accepted non-credit credentials, a student must present their Workforce transcript or current credential to Cayuga Admissions.
- Admissions forwards credentials documents to Registrars for evaluation and posting of any applicable transfer credit.
- If a student decides to pursue CPL for a credential that is not currently accepted, the student will submit a CPL application to the CPL coordinator/designee. In cases for which no precedent exists, the appropriate division chair and college provost will be consulted for approval. The student will be notified of their decision by the CPL coordinator/designee. If credit is approved by the division chair and provost, the Registrar will post applicable transfer credit on the student’s permanent transcript.
B. Credit by Evaluation of Challenge Exams:
If there are no nationally recognized exams that fit the course description, departmental challenge exams may be offered for transfer credit at the discretion of the department. Challenge exams are defined as exams that a student may take to challenge a specific course by demonstrating competency in all the learning outcomes of that course.
- Students must be matriculated in a degree, certificate, or a microcredential to be eligible to take a challenge exam.
- Candidates may not take an examination at a level of subject proficiency lower than that which the candidate has already passed.
- Candidates may not repeat challenge examinations which they have failed.
- Candidates may not take department examinations in courses which they have failed at Cayuga or any other college within the past five years.
- Students may not repeat any course in which they have successfully challenged.
- No grade lower than C- will be recognized for credit.
- A student who intends to request Credit by Challenge Examination must first consult the College catalog for updated fee information and then consult with the CPL coordinator/designee to express their interest in pursuing Credit by Challenge Examination.
- The student must provide a copy of their academic record to the CPL coordinator/designee who will consult with the appropriate division chair for consideration.
- If an examination exists and permission to take the exam is granted by the division chair, the student and CPL coordinator/designee will complete an application form and review the payment process. After payment, the division chair will assign a faculty member to schedule, administer, and correct the examination.
- The faculty member who administers the examination or the division chair must submit the grade and course credit hour report to the Registrars Office.
C. Credit by Published Exams:
The policy on Credit by Published Examinations regulates the awarding of transfer credit by standardized published examinations. Standardized examinations are defined as those exams given by nationally recognized agencies that determine comprehension of subject matter corresponding to a single college course. Credit will only be awarded for published examinations recommended by organizations nationally recognized for their expertise in evaluating college-level learning gained outside a traditional college course. Credit will be awarded if the specified minimum performance levels are met and the exam is applicable to a student’s degree program.
Excelsior (Regents) College Examination
Excelsior College UExcel Examinations were discontinued as of August 21, 2022. The College recognizes a score of 45 as the minimum acceptable score to receive college credit toward a specific course. For credit to be awarded for successful exams completed prior to the discontinuation of this program, these steps must be followed:- Students must have their scores sent directly to Cayuga Admissions.
- Admissions will forward the score report to the Registrar’s Office for evaluation and posting of any applicable transfer credit.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program) Examinations
CLEP National Office
250 Vesey Street
New York, NY 10281
United States
Contact: Students interested in pursuing credit via CLEP examinations, must determine the correct exam by checking the college webpage under Transfer Services for the equivalency chart. Study guides and other relevant material for each of the CLEP exams may be obtained via the contact information provided above.
- Once the appropriate exam is completed, scores must be sent directly to Cayuga Admissions.
- The College recognizes a mean score of 50 on subject exams or a minimum score of 50 on general exams to receive college credit toward relevant courses.
- Admissions will forward the score report to the Registrar’s Office for evaluation and posting of any applicable transfer credit.
AP (Advanced Placement) Examinations
The AP program allows high school students to complete college-level courses and obtain college credit for those courses while still in high school. The high school provides the course and assessment examinations for those courses. The assessment exam scores become part of the student’s permanent record.
Contact: Students who have completed and AP course must have the scores sent directly to Cayuga Admissions from the College Board Recommendation Service.
- Students must receive a minimum score of 3 in order to receive college credit toward a specific course.
- Admissions will forward the score report to the Registrar’s Office for evaluation and posting of any applicable transfer credit.
DANTES (Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support) Examinations
Contact: Students should contact their Services’ Education Counselor prior to taking the exam.
- Once the appropriate exam is completed, scores should be sent directly to Cayuga Admissions.
- Students must receive a minimum score of 400 in order to receive college credit toward a specific course.
- Admissions will forward the score report to the Registrar’s Office for evaluation and posting of any applicable transfer credit.