Award NameCategory
ACC/CCC Alumni Association AwardOutstanding Graduate
Alfieri, Louis and Madeleine Memorial Nursing AwardNursing
Atwater, Dr. G. Burnett and Vera K. Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Auburn Community Hospital Auxiliary AwardNursing
Becker II, David L. Memorial AwardScience
Belth, Irving and Helen Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Biden, Neilia Hunter English AwardsEnglish
Bourke, Dean Norman F. Memorial ScholarshipOutstanding Graduate
Boyle, Edward T. and Alice L. Memorial ScholarshipLiberal Arts
Brewer, Carol A. Sportsmanship AwardAthletics
Business Transfer AwardBusiness
Camardo, Joseph A.M. Memorial AwardBusiness
Carbary, Sandra B. Memorial AwardEducation
Carpenter, Ruth Edwards Memorial AwardScience
Casbarro, Ralph J. Sports AwardAthletics
Castiglione, Mark Telecommunications
Cefaratti, Philip Thomas and Mary Pace Memorial AwardEducation
Condie, Vicki Cook Nursing Excellence AwardNursing
Cool, Thomas and Eloise Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Court, Sue Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Daum, John A. Memorial ScholarshipsMathematics
Dove, Barbara Memorial AwardNursing
Eastern Shore Associates Insurance AwardBusiness
Everett, Fred M. and Ora H. AwardsCitizenship
Fama, Claire E. and Frank A. Memorial AwardsOutstanding Graduate
Foundation Memorial AwardScholastic Achievement
Ganey, Joseph P. and Elizabeth J. Business AwardBusiness
George, Harry W. and Dorothy J. AwardOutstanding Graduate
Harrington Business AwardBusiness
Hornburg, Walter W. and Mabel C. AwardOutstanding Graduate
Karpinski Sr., Honey and Dr. Joseph F. AwardScience
Karpinski, John Memorial AwardScience
Kennedy, Samuel V. and Marion B. Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Kent, Ruth Kimball Memorial English AwardEnglish
Knaul, Richard J. and Barbara D. AwardScience
Komanecky, William Memorial Science AwardScience
Leszczynski, Raymond F. Memorial AwardScience
Mahlstedt Sr., J. Richard Memorial AwardLiberal Arts
Mapes, Ethyl W. Memorial Nursing AwardsNursing
Mathematics Excellence AwardMathematics
Metcalf, Elizabeth B. Memorial AwardsOutstanding Graduate
Michaels, Lena S. Memorial AwardEducation
Miele/Fama Leadership AwardOutstanding Graduate
Moore, Virginia K. Choral AwardLiberal Arts
Painter, William J. Memorial AwardsNursing
Phi Theta Kappa, Dean Norman F. Bourke Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Radio Advisors AwardTelecommunications
Rooker, Dorothy M. AwardNursing
Ryan, Patrick G. Memorial AwardAthletics
Schwartz, Goldye Jean Memorial AwardScholastic Achievement
Sincerbeaux, Dr. George Pediatric ScholarshipNursing
Stapleton, Anne I. AwardScience
Stapleton, Dr. Thomas D. and Wilhelmina Meagher AwardLiberal Arts
Stapleton, John E. AwardBusiness
Steenburgh, Thomas F. Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Taylor, Wilfred Nursing
Telcom Audio Production AwardTelecommunications
Telcom Faculty AwardTelecommunications
Trustees' Memorial AwardOutstanding Graduate
Vargason, Shirley Memorial AwardNursing
Ward, Herbert P. Memorial AwardNursing
Worden, Joan Post Memorial ScholarshipsNursing
Wride, Michael C. Memorial AwardScience
Young, Jean Sturges and David Aidan Memorial AwardsOutstanding Graduate