Are you a motivated high school student with a four-year degree in your future? By planning ahead, you can attain junior standing at a four-year college after just one year at Cayuga.

Cayuga’s Fast Forward liberal arts sequence makes the goal of a bachelor’s degree, graduate school, or career a reality not only sooner, but at far less expense for tuition, room and board.

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

First, complete five college-level courses while in high school.

  • Some high schools offer college credit courses in the classroom, through the Cayuga Advantage partnership program.
  • There are several other ways, too: Advanced Placement or online college courses, or through Syracuse University, OCC, TC3, SUNY ESF and other schools.
  • Cayuga accepts grades of C or higher and scores of 3 or higher on AP exams.

Then, once you graduate from high school, enroll full-time for one year in Cayuga’s liberal arts degree program.

As you complete this program, you’ll fulfill many general education requirements needed for transfer. And you can use your electives to pursue areas of interest for your future bachelor’s degree. You’ll have a designated advisor to ensure that your course selection is appropriate.

Generally, the Fast Forward sequence for your Cayuga year is as follows:

  • 18-credit course load (6 courses) during the Fall semester.
  • One 3-credit course during January Intersession. This can be on-campus or online.
  • 19 credits during the spring semester.
  • 7 or more credits (as needed) on campus or online during summer session.

You will then have the 62 credits needed to earn your associate’s degree in Liberal Arts and Social Sciences from Cayuga. This degree is recognized by most transfer schools as entitling you to enroll with junior standing toward your bachelor’s degree, and is a solid foundation for many areas of study at the four-year level.

For best results, be sure to coordinate your Cayuga course selection with your intended transfer school. We’ll help. Our transfer counselor works with many four-year colleges and universities to assist our students in planning a smooth transfer of Cayuga credits. Make an appointment as soon as possible during your first semester at Cayuga, so you, too, can ensure maximum transferability of your Cayuga credits.

High school students who are academic achievers know that colleges and universities look for motivated students. By following the Fast Forward pathway to transfer, you’ll demonstrate your initiative and ability to succeed – while saving money and time on your higher education.

For details on the Fast Forward liberal arts sequence, contact the Cayuga admissions office:

Auburn Campus – 315-255-1743 ext 2241
Fulton Campus – 315-592-4143 ext 3003