Cayuga Welcomes Lentini as New Student Trustee
Cayuga Community College student Madeline Lentini has welcomed every opportunity so far at her hometown college, and this semester she’s excited for her next experience as Cayuga’s new student trustee.
Cayuga’s Board of Trustees formally welcomed Lentini as their newest member in January, saying they were excited to hear her ideas on the College’s direction and the student experience. Lentini succeeds Grace Wiseman, who served as Cayuga’s student trustee before graduating in December 2022.
Lentini is now in her second semester at Cayuga after completing high school at home and earning her equivalency by passing the Test Assessment Secondary Completion (TASC) in 2021. That same year she started working at Auburn Community Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic, and continues working at the hospital since resuming her education at Cayuga.
“Growing up in Auburn, Cayuga was always a part of the community and felt like the right place for me to start my college education. I’ve had a great experience so far, working with other students and having the chance to work one-on-one with my professors,” said Lentini. “I’m excited for the new experience, and plan to help wherever I can as the new student trustee.”
At Cayuga, Lentini began studying telecommunications before selecting Creative and Professional Writing as her major. An avid movie fan who cites “Back to the Future” as an inspirational favorite, Lentini is hoping to eventually join a writer’s room to author scripts for TV shows.
She’s enjoyed her first two semester at Cayuga, serving as the treasurer for the Student Government Organization in the Fall 2022 semester and writing movie reviews for The Collegian, the College’s student-run newspaper.
“I think one of Cayuga’s strengths is that students are encouraged to branch out and try something new. I did that with The Collegian and with SGO. It’s just a very welcoming place that accepts you and supports you when you try something different,” she said.
Cayuga President Dr. Brian Durant and Board of Trustees Chair Anthony Franceschelli said Lentini’s enthusiasm for the College and its role helping students and the community will make her an excellent student trustee.
“Madeline is a great example of how quickly students can get involved and make a difference at Cayuga. In only her second semester, she’s already served with SGO, written for our student newspaper and is now joining our Board of Trustees. I’m confident the energy she’s shown for Cayuga and her fellow students, combined with her tireless work ethic, will make her a valuable voice on our Board of Trustees,” said Dr. Durant.
“Madeline, through her commitment as a student and her work at Auburn Community Hospital, is an example of how dedicated our students are to their future and serving our community,” said Franceschelli. “We’re proud to have her join the Board of Trustees and look forward to working with her in the months ahead.”